Lauren Elizabeth Wehner

Position title: Graduate Student in Molecular and Environmental Toxicology



B.S., University of Hartford, Biology, 2021

Research: My research revolves around radiation toxicology. Specifically, I have worked to develop and characterize animal models for radiation countermeasure exploration and acute radiation syndrome. I am also working on mechanistic evaluation and remediation of nephrotoxicity in vitro and in vivo to improve the safety of targeted alpha therapy.

Future plans: I hope to continue my research in the areas of radiometal exposure, transport, and toxicity as a post-doctoral fellow following my PhD and contribute to the expanding field of radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT). I intend to also incorporate teaching and service in my career as a fulfilling means to grow the scientific community, particularly for toxicology and RPT.

When not in the lab: I enjoy staying active by lifting at the university gym or running around Madison and its beautiful lakes. I also love being a homebody and hanging out with my pet bunny, Cloudy, and finding a good TV show or movie. Nature documentaries are a particular favorite!